Friday, August 28, 2015

What's Up With Captain America: Civil War Teams Reveal?

2016 is going to be a great year for comic book films. Batman will battle Superman in March for DC Entertainment and a couple of months later, Captain America will battle Iron Man to commence the mid year season for Marvel with Captain America: Civil War.

Civil War's plot, which happens to be politically charged, basically turns the so far introduced Avengers against each other. Fans have been speculating for a while now, which side of Steve Rogers vs Tony Stark most of the characters will fall on.

Well people its time to put the speculations to rest as new promotional artworks have been leaked online. Jeremy Renner who plays Hawkeye in Civil War later shared the images on twitter thereby confirming its legitimacy. And damn, does Hawkeye's new costume look great or what!

The characters and their costumes all look great but is it just me or does Tony Stark's team look a bit too overpowered? Whatever may it be,  this all adds up to our pain in waiting for 2016. To say the least, next year is going to be a crazy year for comic book movie fans.

Captain America Civil War will release in the U.S on May 6th, 2016.

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